business immersion

An intimate business immersion For entrepreneurs and business leaders who want to step into their most unreasonable, unfuckwithable and audacious leadership.

If you’ve ever felt like:

You’re doing everything ‘right’, exactly how your coaches and mentors instruct you, but you still find yourself feeling frustrated and bitter.

You’ve been burnt out and exhausted from trying to emulate, replicate and keep up with your coaches and peers.

You’ve invested money in coaching, mentoring, and education only to feel that what you’ve learned has taken you off track.

You don’t want to build your business or career on cracked foundations and are interested in learning what you need to experience the longevity and success you desire.

You want to become unshakable and unfuckwithable in your decision-making and leadership.

You want to align with the success that is truly coherent and sustainable for who you are.

You’re in the right place.

lead with your strengths, trust in your decision-making, reduce resistance, and become the leader you were born to be.

This is not your regular business immersion.

The focus in this program is on self-understanding and deepening your authority so that you can reduce unnecessary resistance, make aligned decisions and not be taken off track by courses, peers, mentors or the world around you.

Our focus here is not on strategy, funnels, or ticking boxes (although we will likely discuss some of these things). It’s about deep self-exploration, embodiment, and building your authority. 

This program came about because I was frustrated seeing how many people make business (and life) so much harder for themselves than need be. I was tired of seeing people abdicating their authority to the people around them instead of anchoring into their own knowing, and I was tired of seeing how wildly off-track leaders can be taken when they don’t understand their unique design and operating system.

This program will help you get more out of any other business education or mentoring you take in the future.

Here we will build the foundations that all future strategy can be built upon.

This is a Human Design centred program that is about anchoring into the truth of who you really are so that you don’t…

lose yourself

distract yourself

or create unnecessary resistance in business. 

The Details:

This is an intimate business immersion with a maximum of 20 participants.

The immersion will run for 10 consecutive weeks from October 2nd, with a 90-minute call each week held via Zoom.

The first half of each call will focus on unravelling a specific topic and how that applies to your life, business, and leadership. The second half will be open for coaching, questions, and discussion. Calls are likely to go over 90 minutes; I recommend allowing up to 2 hours where possible.

You will need to be able to attend the live calls to participate - I know that life happens, and you may not be able to attend all calls, but it is important that you can attend at least 80% of calls as this is a program that requires participation.

This is a Human Design centered program, but we will also be discussing elements of your Astrology and Gene Keys.

Call Schedule:

Call 1: Welcome and opening circle | Wednesday 2nd October @ 12pm BST (9pm AEST, 7am EDT)

Call 2: Becoming the authority and your intrinsic drivers | Wednesday 9th October @ 12pm BST (9pm AEST, 7am EDT)

Call 3: Getting intimate with your not self and minimising distractions | Wednesday 16th October @ 12pm BST (9pm AEST, 7am EDT)

Call 4:  Nourishing your brain and maximising your environment | Wednesday 23rd October @ 12pm BST (9pm AEST, 7am EDT)

Call 5: Harnessing your innate strengths | Wednesday 30th October @ 12pm BST (10pm AEST, 8am EDT)

Call 6: Defining your profit potential (entrepreneurs) or your wisdom and leadership potential (intrapreneurs) | Wednesday 6th November @ 12pm BST (10pm AEST, 7am EDT)

Call 7: Unlocking your most energy-rich role in business | Wednesday 13th November @ 12pm BST (10pm AEST, 7am EDT)

Call 8: Balancing strategy with your innate receptivity (the magic!) | Wednesday 20th November @ 12pm BST (10pm AEST, 7am EDT)

Call 9: Your most aligned work style & team dynamics | Wednesday 27th November @ 12pm BST (10pm AEST, 7am EDT)

Call 10: Integration and closing circle | Wednesday 4th December @ 12pm BST (10pm AEST, 7am EDT)

* please note that while all of these topics will be covered, the order may change based on what I perceive in the group.

UNREASONABLE is for you if:

  • You are a business leader who is tired of forcing against yourself and creating unnecessary resistance in business and life

  • You want to be able to trust in your decision-making and ability to keep yourself on track, even amongst the noise of the business industry around you

  • You are tired of investing money in mentoring and education only to feel like you are being misunderstood and taken off track

  • You want to build your business or career on solid foundations so that you can experience the longevity you desire

  • You want to find your unique way in an industry of sameness

  • You understand that knowing yourself is the foundation of all future success

  • You are sick of building on cracked foundations only to have to re-do, repair and rebuild

  • You are invested in using these teachings and integrating them into your business and life

  • You are someone who approaches learning in an embodied way and understands that energy has to be felt and lived, not just consumed by the mind

  • You are curious and open-minded and willing to try things differently

  • You are prepared to get intimate with your Not Self and invest time in your deconditioning


  • This program is suitable for entrepreneurs, intrapreneurs and business leaders - anyone who wants to become unfuckwithable in business and build something based on who they really are.

  • Each call will run for approximately 90 minutes. The first half of each call will focus on a specific topic applicable to business. The second half of each call will be open for questions, hot seat coaching and discussion.

  • As this is an intimate group experience, it's important that those who join can attend most of the live calls. A replay will be provided for all calls, but this is a program that requires participation.

  • It will be helpful for you to have an existing awareness of your Human Design, particularly your energy type, strategy and authority.

  • The intention of this immersion is to equip you with the self understanding that will help you get more out of any future business training you take. Rather than giving you specific strategies or telling you what to do, our focus is on helping you build solid foundations of self awareness so that you feel empowered to do business your way.



$3997 AUD

One upfront payment of $3997 AUD (approx. $2635 USD)


3 x $1350 AUD

3 monthly payments of $1350 AUD (approx. $888 USD)


12 x $340 AUD

12 weekly payments of $340 AUD (approx. $225 USD)


Hi, I’m Amy!

I’m a professional astrologer, human design analyst, coach and energy + nervous system practitioner. As a classic 1st line I’m an eternal student and continually adding to my skill set and systems.

I spent my early career struggling through burn-out and uncertainty, and it was through my discovery of Human Design that everything began to change for me.

I now work with my clients holistically to create their most unreasonable and extraordinary lives and businesses.

As a 5/1 Splenic Authority, Quad Right Projector, with the channels of struggle, judgment, awakening and acceptance, I was never meant to fit in or do things the way they have been done before.

Human Design and Astrology changed my life, in so many ways, and I have built my business based on what both systems have taught me about myself. I’m so thrilled to share this knowledge with you too.

lead with your strengths, trust in your decision-making, reduce resistance, and become the leader you were born to be.