Private mentoring for creatives, business leaders & entrepreneurs.

With a focus on energy alignment, coherence and body-led business, my private one-on-one work weaves together my training in coaching, energetics, somatics and the nervous system with my education in human design and astrology, to help you live your most unreasonable life.

This is not the kind of mentoring that is about hacking your mindset to do more, be more and have more. Quite the opposite. My work is about guiding people to simplify, do less, focus on their zone of genius and allow their body to guide their way.

During our work together I will help you to see, understand and become more of who you really are so that you can honour your strengths and create a life that is purposeful and meaningful for you.

My work is about deep exploration and rich conversation, with a soft + spacious approach. If you are looking for someone who is caring, honest and perceptive, with a grounded, no-bullshit approach, we may be a good fit for working together.

Working with me includes:

  • Astrological guidance - helping you understand who you really are, the cycles you are moving through and the lessons you are currently learning

  • Human Design analysis - helping you understand how your energy is designed to function and how you can create your most aligned opportunities

  • Human Design for team/family support - helping you understand and support the people around you to flourish and thrive

  • Coaching and intuitive guidance - helping you see blind spots, find clarity and brainstorm plans of action (all done in alignment with your design)

  • Energetic, somatic and nervous system support - helping you support your body, release tension, increase your capacity for ease and tap into your most extraordinary and expansive state

My coaching is for you if:

  • You want to break the mould and create your most unreasonable and extraordinary life

  • You are ready to stop distracting yourself with misaligned busyness and instead harness your energy in the most potent and precise way

  • You are interested in creating sustainable success and an intentional, values-led life

  • You are ready to be more of who you really are and less of who the world has told you to be

  • You desire to work smarter, not harder, by harnessing your unique gifts and strengths

  • You’re seeking a personalised business and life strategy rather than a one-size-fits-all approach

  • You understand that the depth of this work needs time and spaciousness in order to really integrate

  • You desire rich + deep self-exploration and self-understanding

  • You are invested in your deconditioning and aligning with what is true and correct for you

  • You understand that energy informs everything and are open to exploring your energetic state in our work together

  • You are looking for support in managing your stress levels and developing strategies to help you meet what life throws at you

8-Month Private Mentoring Package

This package is my highest level of support, and I only work with 2-3 people in this way at a time. This package includes 3 private 60-minute calls with me per month for 8 months, as well as voxer or telegram access to me Tuesday through Thursday for support in between calls.

This package is suitable for you if:

  • You are an established business owner or CEO who is tired of working harder and ready to work smarter

  • You want to refine your business, career and life to reflect who you really are

  • You’ve worked with coaches and mentors before, only to feel that you have been taken off track or wound up burnt out and depleted trying to keep up

  • You want to unlock your most innate magnetism and flow state, so that you can align with opportunities with more ease

  • You want to incorporate Human Design into your leadership style so that you can inspire and work with your people in the most opportune way

  • You want to use Human Design to smooth out and refine your team dynamics and understand your people as much as possible

  • You want to flourish and thrive rather than continually feel like you have to force, push and hustle

  • You are looking for a deep, rich experience that leads to sustainable success rather than a quick fix

  • You are done with the one-size-fits-all and the status quo and are ready to create your most unreasonable and extraordinary life

  • You are looking for holistic coaching and support that takes into account your body, nervous system and energetic capacity

  • You are open to energetic, somatic and nervous system exploration and receiving support in this way while we are working together

  • You are not in a state of financial survival and have the spaciousness to go deep with this work without urgency

Price: starting from $32k AUD


Please fill in an application if you are interested and have the means to commit to this package. We will get back to you within 2 business days to discuss suitability and arrange a time to connect on a call.


“Amy saved my business. I reached out to Amy at a time I was ready to shut down the doors and quit. I felt completely unaligned with the work I was doing, the people I was serving, and the prices I was charging. I had actively reached out to recruitment agencies to explore corporate opportunities. With one glance at my chart Amy told me to hang on. She explained exactly what was happening, why I was feeling the way I was, when the energy would shift, and when cash would begin to flow more easily. Alongside calling out my gifts, and how she felt I was here to serve (putting the desire to return to corporate to bed), Amy identified a great time to launch a group program. I took that as an invitation to launch something that had been on my heart for over 2 years, and in just 2 rounds, that program has brought in over $50k USD, and transformed 40 women's lives. That program wouldn't have existed if I hadn't had that conversation with Amy.

Amy is the real deal with the most unique, life-changing gifts. I have been in many of Amy's spaces now - group programs, 1:1, her projector mastermind and projector membership. Every single space is held with such warmth, safety, and strong projector guidance. No other mentor has ever made me feel so at home and supported. Amy has a client for life in me. I will forever be grateful to Amy for transforming my life and my happiness.”

— Lynda S, Projector

“Working with Amy was such a delicate and yet profound unfolding...and I'm still receiving the impact. I felt seen, supported and celebrated by the entire container. She really took an interest in my success, which as a Projector means the world. Amy is a generous mentor and shared loads of resources that I am still listening to and integrating. One of the biggest takeaways I received was witnessing her embodiment. The way she cared for herself, honours herself and lives her experiment. It gave me all the permission to lean into more of my needs and is a testament to her integrity. As a fellow 5/1- it's really beautiful to witness what's possible and yet see so much opportunity for differentiation in the process. The container was a beautiful blend between astrology, human design, embodiment and business strategy from those lenses. I will for sure be working with her again. Thank You, Amy!”

— Nathaly G, Projector

“Amy has the most beautiful way of weaving together her many skill sets, from human design to business, astrology to breath work, to create a comforting support during even the most stressful times. Spending three months in close connection with Amy supported my nervous system during an aggressive time of scaling to lead with calm and courage. I've been over and over impressed with Amy's ability to name her skillset with humility and also know her own limitations, offering us as her clients the most informed place to enter relationship from. This breeds a level of trust that is truly intimate, and I have never felt Amy would simply "upsell" or push further work, as so many so called business coaches and mentors do. Amy exudes confidence and self-assurance without urgency that is contagious, creating a space (even from across the world) where it feels like anything is possible but nothing is a rush. I'm truly grateful to know Amy and appreciate her care and wisdom in a world that so often lacks such integrity. I hold space for a large team and even larger client base each day, and it takes such skill and grace to lead the leaders. Thank you, Amy!”

— Alex M, Projector

“My Business by Design consult with Amy was the most divine facilitation of mentorship I could have asked for. She supported me to connect with the energy of my vision and my business as its vessel like never before. I have since felt increasingly clear, guided, and infinitely resourced in how and why I serve. As an energy practitioner and channel myself, I confidently attest that Amy applies her energy to holding space for other souls with unmatched ease and mastery. I trust her endlessly in guiding me to apply my own gifts to their utmost impact, as she so gracefully embodies this practice for herself. Thank you for blessing my business, and my soul, beautiful Amy.”

— Gracie B, Generator

“Thank You, Amy! For Your calm and always aligned energy (I always felt peace when listened to You). Because of this container, I stopped questioning my intuitive abilities. I definitely connected with my own power and it helped me (gave me tools) to be in connection with my Soul daily. And I also built my trust muscle there. One of the most powerful takeaways from ENRICHED was around - showing that business is a separate entity, that it has its own energy. Those practical tools you showed us (how to operate with energies) are priceless! Best investment I could give to myself <3”

— Lelde G, Manifestor

“My session with Amy was deeply transformative. A lot of emotions came up to be released from the moment she guided me through a powerful grounding meditation. I felt truly seen, understood and supported in the process of saying goodbye to offerings that were no longer in alignment with me or my soul work and inviting new heart-centred offers to come through. Amy mixes incredible space-holding, healing, human design and astrology skills which made me feel safe and enabled profound breakthroughs. What I appreciated the most was her ability to combine the practical and the energetic side of things, giving me tangible and actionable next steps and a profound sense of being back in alignment. I left our session feeling inspired, empowered and free. So much my gratitude for you Amy x“

— Caroline P, Generator